India is poised to grapple with a staggering estimate of 69.9 million diabetes cases by 2025, a substantial portion of which is anticipated to go undetected. Amidst these alarming projections, a significant spotlight illuminates the escalating prevalence of diabetes among women in the country. However, within this concerning landscape, a critical aspect demanding attention is the unique challenges confronted by women navigating diabetes, especially in the realm of their reproductive health.
The intersection of diabetes and pregnancy poses intricate hurdles, amplifying the likelihood of complications such as ocular issues, renal complications, and preeclampsia. Before conceiving, it becomes imperative for women suffering from diabetes to meticulously assess their overall well-being, engage in comprehensive discussions with healthcare professionals, and delve into tailored considerations for fostering a secure and healthy pregnancy. This proactive stance not only facilitates the early identification of potential complications but also empowers effective management strategies, thereby fostering the well-being of both the expectant mother and her child throughout the journey of pregnancy.
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